Monday, July 20, 2009

Biotope garden: A source of cleansing rainwater

Biotope garden: A source of cleansing rainwater
A STOMPer is amazed with NPark's novel way to save water loss by building this biotope garden where rainwater can be cleansed for us to use safely.

Water Engineer says:

"These pictures were taken at the Alexandra Park Connector near to Dawson Road.

"NParks have built a biotope garden where aquatic plants are planted and some fish are kept in the water.
Biotope garden: A source of cleansing rainwater
"Plants can be used to clean up the canal water.
Biotope garden: A source of cleansing rainwater
"Rainwater which flows into the catchment area can be filtered and pumped to our households.
Biotope garden: A source of cleansing rainwater
"The term 'biotope' means a small uniform environment occupied by a community of organisms.

"In this garden the cleansing biotope is an area planted with wetland species and aquatic plants.

"During a storm, rainwater runs off the roofs of buildings into the cleansing biotope.

"Canal water can also be pumped into the cleansing biotope.

"The water filters through the plant root systems where contaminants are removed and treated by bacterial activity on the root surface.

"The cleansed water is stored in an underground cistern and eventually piped underground to the reservoirs.

"Since Singapore has no mountains and big rivers, every drop of rainwater is important and the cleansing biotope is one way to increase our meagre water supply from natural sources."